Coming back to blogging

Hi there,

I made this blog back when I was in India to keep track of my work and show to show my work to professional artists to get critiqued as there were no teachers around back where I lived.

I have never given any introduction about myself so I think this is a good time to write some basic info about myself as I am hoping to start blogging again. This time it will be different from what I have done/posted before as this time I know in which direction do I want to take my art. This time I have specific art goals unlike before where I did not know what the heck I was doing. But I am glad I went through that phase as that lead me to where I am today.

So with that being said lets get started.

 I am a professional animator working in the TV animation industry. I moved from India 4 years ago to study Classical Animation. Couple of months after graduating I landed a job in the industry and have been working since then. I have worked for studios like Netflix, Nick Jr. and Hasbro.

I never expected to have a career in animation or a career at all for that matter but as I went along my interest in art grew, I became more interested in animation and decided to peruse it.

Why Blogging Again ?

As I said I did not know what I was doing and where I was going with this blog before. I just had a page to dump my drawing in so that I could show it to someone professional and get their opinion on my drawings and get some tips on how could I get better. Even after drawing and animating from last 3 years I have never been very confident with my drawing skills and moreover did not know which direction do I want tot take it in. Which is the goal of starting this blog again.

I am setting new artistic goals for myself and will be sharing my progress, the fails the successes, and also will be writing about what I learn as I strongly feel I need to write things down in my words after studying to understand them fully.

This blog is mainly for self improvement as an artist and keeping track of the progress I make of the goals I am setting for myself. I will also be sharing my animation work time to time and maybe will talk a bit about what is it like to work in the TV animation industry as well.


I want to get better at my drawing skills, that for me means getting good at gesture drawing, character design, anatomy and the ability to capture the story quickly in my sketchbook as I am obsessed with drawing outdoors. I have never really sat down to make a finished drawing piece, an illustration or character design which I am hoping do now along with my daily drawing regime. 

I will be posting sketches twice a week with a a brief detail of what the intention behind was. The sketches will be simplified and pushed from reality as that helps me to think more in terms of character design for animation and also to capture the story quickly without worrying about being realistic. I have struggled with the question of how should I approach my drawings for years and that resulted in unclear drawings with no statement but I am much clear and confident with the kind of drawings I want to make now. 

Having said that here are couple of quick sketches I did recently on my phone. I have to say that this is one of the first times when I have been happy about my drawings as they serve their purpose which is to - Capture the story and essence of the model. 


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